Some of the new frames going up this evening at S&S!
Zombie Heart
Foiled Again

In order news (no puns intended): all have been fully caught up and finished. Even a few shipped earlier than announced as I opted for adding a new postal day today as opposed to waiting for Monday this week. Hopefully it will be a permanent addition but until things slow down I won't be positive that I can work it out. Now that everybody is out, I can focus on a few custom orders and some panels I have that I positioned to stare at me each morning. Some Antoinette Muertos paintings, some sacred heart paintings, some more galaxy paintings, so many I am fluttering even now thinking about getting to it. But! I can't say much more.. those close to me know of the stalker copiers I've had on my tail the last few years so until they are ready to list I can't give any more details! I'm sorry my pets but it's how it goes.

While I argue with those who say in all aspects Pacino is a poor choice, I think the one thing he has going for him is physically that's an actor I would buy in that role. Sure, there are definite differences but visually I can dig it. But can you imagine the dialogue? .... I'll give it a moment.. Although another necessary aspect they have in common is their... grittiness I'll say. Think of Pacino in all his roles, especially those not well known. This is an attribute he has fined tuned in bringing when a role calls for it. For any of you familiar with Dali beyond the work he did, it's very easy to see how Pacino could really bring across who and what the man was. All in all I'm pretty excited to see if they bring the justice most art films do not. I actually have very high hopes!
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